By: Akon Angura
A microaggression is an everyday verbal or nonverbal insult, which communicates derogatory and hostile messages based on one being part of a marginalized community.
Why are they problematic? The problem with micro aggressions is that they are usually indirect or subtle, which makes it harder to spot. Not only to those who are being directly affected, but those who do not experience them.
What are some examples of microaggressions?
Some examples of microaggressions include:
“You are so ____ for a ___ person!”
“You don’t act like the rest of them.”
“You act so white.”
“Where are you REALLY from?”
*Mocking language or culture*
Since microaggressions are usually subtle, those who are not directly affected by them may not pick them up. As a result, microaggressions are usually disregarded, and those who experience them can be gaslighted, or told that they are “reading too much into it”.
Microaggressions can have effects that last a lifetime. Although it may not seem like a big deal, when you are constantly faced with these questions, you begin to question your identity and who you truly are. An entire community of people being reduced to a set of stereotypes is extremely dehumanizing, and people who face microaggressions may question their place in that community, if they do not fit said stereotypes.

We must acknowledge that microaggressions are a valid form of racism. To be a better ally, take the time to educate yourself further on microaggressions, to prevent yourself and others from using them. Microaggressions should never be disregarded, and BIPOC should never be told that they are “making a big deal”.